Differentiate and Build Confidence with LPs, Investment Targets and Talent

Become a member to Enhance Your Profile and Improve Conversion Rates

Our B2B membership allows private equity firms to enhance their profiles and receive a custom report to help them attract top talent, close deals, and build confidence with limited partners.

membership benefits

  • Enhanced Online Profile. Increase your firm’s visibility and credibility by enhancing your profile on the BuildRI platform. Choose to either contribute your own content or collaborate with our team to create bespoke content that reflects your firm’s strengths and commitment to responsible investment and operational improvement.
  • Insight Reports: Reports include benchmarking, emerging trends, best practices, and recommended strategies by category and region.
  • Quarterly Intent Data Report: BuildRI intent data offers valuable insights into market interest by revealing trends related to your firm’s profile and your competitors’ profiles. Analyzing this data helps you identify areas where potential investors or investment candidates are showing increased interest, enabling you to tailor your services and marketing strategies to better meet their needs and gain a competitive edge.

Apply for membership

Only verified alternative investment firms may be listed on the BuildRI platform. For more information on membership tiers, benefits, and how to apply, please click on Learn More or contact our team directly.

For more information