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Partners Group Overview

Partners Group Holding AG is a Swiss-based global private equity firm with assets in private equity, private infrastructure, private real estate and private debt.


Private Equity



HQ Location

Baar, Switzerland

BuildRI Category Rating


Responsible Investment Rating


Value Builder Rating


Stakeholder Rating


Key Value Builder Features1

  • Focused Digital Strategy
  • In-house Digital Expertise
  • Operational Improvement Strategy
  • Dedicated Operational Improvement Team

1. Key Value Builder Features are determined by the BuildRI research team based upon publicly-available information and input from 3rd parties, including the firm in certain circumstances.

Value Creation Examples


Contributing Source: ESG Report

Pharmathen's core business activities directly impact patients globally by offering over 80 commercialized products, often being the first or only generics available, improving access and affordability. Since Partners Group’s investment, Pharmathen has experienced strong organic growth and launched new products, including long-acting injectables. Many of their products, such as Clopidogrel, Ondansetron, and Meropenem, are on the World Health Organization’s 'List of Essential Medicines'. In 2023, Pharmathen joined the UN Global Compact, achieved EcoVadis Bronze, and enhanced talent retention through improved health and safety training and expanded employee engagement programs. The company also received a 'Business Extroversion' Award for its significant contribution to the Greek economy.


Contributing Source: ESG Report

Gren is a renewable-energy platform with a diversified fuel mix, committed to reducing GHG emissions by at least 50% by 2035. They report Scope 1 and 2 emissions and are building capabilities to track Scope 3. Producing heat mainly from biomass, Gren aims to source 100% sustainable biomass by 2025, with certification already in place in Estonia and Latvia. They focus on green innovation and technology transfer in transportation, developing EV charging infrastructure at heating and cogeneration facilities in Europe. Committed to sustainable urban development, Gren's district heating and cooling solutions improve energy efficiency, integrate various heat sources, and reduce emissions, aiding property owners in achieving carbon neutrality and reducing operating costs.


Contributing Source: Corporate Sustainability Report

KinderCare conducted a baseline year GHG emissions assessment for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions to inform their environmental strategy. They invested USD 5.1 million in 2022 to update 161 centers with LED lighting, resulting in a reduction of 12,229 tons of CO2 and bringing the total number of centers with LED lighting to 315 (out of 1,500). Older HVAC units will also be replaced with versions that are up to 40% more efficient. KinderCare also installed centralized energy management systems in 114 centers, resulting in a reduction of 13,412 tons of CO2 annually. Together, these initiatives brought in more than USD 1.8 million in energy savings.

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