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Rivean Capital Overview

Rivean Capital is a private equity firm that invests in companies operating in logistics, business services, chemicals, food and beverage, information technology, consumer services, and industrial sectors based in the Europe


Private Equity



HQ Location

Utrecht, Nederlands

BuildRI Category Rating


Responsible Investment Rating


Value Builder Rating


Stakeholder Rating


Key Value Builder Features1

  • Focused Digital Strategy
  • In-house Digital Expertise
  • Operational Improvement Strategy
  • Dedicated Operational Improvement Team

1. Key Value Builder Features are determined by the BuildRI research team based upon publicly-available information and input from 3rd parties, including the firm in certain circumstances.

Value Creation Examples


Contributing Source: 2022 ESG report

Best4Tires is actively addressing its environmental impact in tire transportation through its delivery fleet. Since July 2022, the company has partnered to fully offset 834 tons of CO2 emissions and plans a transition to a fully electric vehicle fleet, leasing the latest, more efficient models. They've implemented a telematics system to optimize driver routes for reduced fuel consumption and increased safety. Exploring new delivery concepts like hubs aims to minimize vans on the road and optimize fleet efficiency. Additionally, Best4Tires is piloting hydrogen fuel for Sprinter vans to address current EV technology limitations, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility in their operations.

Xindao Logistics Information Service

Contributing Source: ESG Report 2021

Xindao, a logistics provider, has made thorough supplier ESG controls a standard part of its operations, aiming to decrease scope 3 emissions by engaging with contracted business partners. The company has audited 72% of its direct contact factories in 2021 and aims to increase this share to 75% in 2022. All newly added suppliers are checked on social performance, and the company has purchased a Responsible Sourcing tool to be implemented in 2022. Xindao plans to assess all suppliers on their environmental performance as part of supplier engagement and audits. These efforts demonstrate Xindao's commitment to responsible sourcing and sustainability.

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